
Hidden secrets in Excel Quick Access Toolbar

Excel Quick Access Toolbar is a very powerful tool yet many people including Excel gurus tend to underutilize it. This toolbar gives you all the build in functions available in Excel including those that are not seen in Excel ribbon (hence not known by most of the people). This article will show you one example on how this toolbar can drastically change your Excel experience.

Let’s first take a look of that an ordinary worksheet with comment in Excel 2007

normal comment in Excel

Notice that there is no option available in the Excel ribbon which allows you to do any kind of formatting on the shape of the comment. You only have one choice: rectangular box.

Now take a look of the following:

special comment

It looks nice, but how to do it?

The answer is Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

Follow the steps below:

1. Click on the inverted triangle on the QAT and choose “More Commands”.

Add Quick Access Toolbar Step 1

2. In the customization window, choose all commands from the dropdown list

add command into QAT step 2

3. Scroll down to find the “Change Shape” command and click on “Add” button to add the command to the QAT and make sure the command appears in the box on the right hand side. Click “OK”.

add command into QAT step 3

4. Now go back to your worksheet and click on the normal comment you have and click on the “Change Shape” command in the QAT. Now you have access to a rich pool of shapes. Take the one you like and make your comments full of fun!

add command into QAT step 4

Another important use of the QAT is for creating a new workbook in Excel 2007 and 2010. In Excel 2007, if you click on the Office Logo found in the top left hand corner of the spreadsheet to create a new workbook, you will have to go through another step of selecting a workbook. But if you have the new workbook icon in the QAT, you can create a new workbook in one click.

As you can see, there are many others features available in the QAT. In future articles, we will be introducing more useful commands which can really improve your productivity and user experience with Excel. Stay tuned!


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