Excel Macro or VBA

Excel macro is also known as VBA or Visual Basic for Application. The term Macro originates from the former king of spreadsheets, Lotus 1-2-3. The term is later adopted by Microsoft Excel to retain the familiarity to Lotus 1-2-3 users. In Excel, the official name for macros is Visual Basic for Applications for Excel, VBA for Excel in short. VBA is a extension of the main Visual Basic Program. Other versions of VBA include other Microsoft Office products such as MS Word,Powerpoint, Access and

Outlook. These versions are not as popular as the VBA for Excel.

4 main purposes of learning VBA are to

Macros is not meant for programmers but Excel users who would like to automate the regular Excel jobs they are performing. The main benefits of Macros are:

  1. Increase in speed – If you are working on a routine Excel job that takes you more than 1 hour, you can create a macro to do exactly the same thing and it can be completed in 1 second. Macros eliminates your need to refer and follow the steps required to run the Excel job.
  2. Complete the Excel job with accuracy – Unlike users who may make mistakes when executing the steps for the job on different occasions, Macro can perform the same steps consistently and with precision resulting in zero human errors.

Given below are some videos on the basics of macros which will get you started on the journey of creating Excel Macros to increase your productivity.


How to record an Excel Macro

In this example, we will show you how to create a macro on number formatting by using the Macro recording function provided by Excel.

Run an Excel Macro using an icon

This tutorial will show you how to assign a macro to the icon and run the macro using the icon.

How to edit your macro

The page given below is for advanced users who would like to know more about extracting data from a database using Excel Macros.

Learn HOW to retrieve data from a database using ADO.

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